virtual reality bike riding experience
virtual bike-riding experience a new way to reach drivers
Many truck drivers work similar hours to other New Zealanders and return home each night. But many are out on the road for days at a time, picking up and delivering loads around the country, so they struggle to attend Share the Road workshops. We are developing resources they can access either online or at the yard, which share our key messages and stories from drivers and bike riders about the benefits of good road-sharing. Recently, our virtual reality bicycle-riding experience was tested by National HSE Manager Guy Smith (pictured holding the VR Headset) and Training Manager from Waste Management Limited Glyn Davies.
“The focus on increasing safety awareness around cyclists and trucks has progressed well with the addition of a virtual reality training device that we were lucky enough to try out. Both Glyn and I feel this will be a great training tool to enable our drivers to understand what it feels like riding a bicycle around a heavy truck. We both look forward to using the device with our teams and seeing the new training packages as they become available.”