what we do

our activities

Driver workshops

Share the Road offers a variety of workshop types for those involved with heavy vehicles for drivers, and for their managers and trainers.

Cyclist workshops

Share the Road workshops equip people around New Zealand with the knowledge and skills to safely use their bikes for day-to-day trips, even where larger vehicles are encountered.

Blindzone workshops and demonstrations

Share the Road Blindzone Demonstrations reveal what a heavy vehicle driver can and can’t see from the seat of their truck or bus.

Presentations and engagement

Listening to our stakeholders and others while sharing our messages is a crucial part of our work.

VR experience

A realistic on-bike virtual experience with feedback built-in facilities for driver inductions, training and assessments.


You can book for all our workshops, demonstrations and presentations in one easy place.

Our activities include workshops, presentations and engagement, VR experiences, stakeholder meetings and the creation of resources to promote our messages

Benefits of our activities

  • Increased economic, health and emotional wellbeing due to fewer deaths and injuries;

  • More choice in transport mode due to the perception that cycling is safe;

  • Reduced taxpayer costs from deaths and serious injuries;

  • Improved attitudes of people who cycle and of heavy vehicle drivers.


“I have been cycling for years, but I didn’t even realise the things that you have shown us. All schools should be doing these workshops. ”

STEVE RAMDHANIE, Teacher and Cycling Coach, Belmont Intermediate in Auckland

“Share the Road workshops are an eye opener for all ages. It is extremely useful in engaging our communities about the issues Heavy Vehicle drivers face while driving on our New Zealand roads. The participants learn how to work around those issues and avoid not being seen. This is especially useful for cyclists sharing the road. There are many light bulb moments from the participants who are surprised/shocked by the lack of visibility around a Heavy vehicle. What I like about the workshop is its ability to cater for all ages and how relevant it is for not only cyclists but drivers as well. You often get comments like “I will be way more careful from now on around trucks”, “I had no clue they had such poor visibility”, “I will never ride down the left-hand side of a truck again” The key to this workshop is having the ability for everyone to sit on the driver’s side of a heavy vehicle, this is the highlight of the workshop and provokes discussion and provides insight. I highly recommend this workshop to all my clients.”

JANET STARK, Cycle Coach & Educator, Cycling New Zealand Ride Leader Mentor Auckland Region

“The workshop I attended gave me confidence to ‘own the road’ a bit more. It helped my understanding about being visible – it’s not just about clothing, it’s your behaviour on the road. Getting up in the cab of the truck was really interesting too: you don’t realise and it makes me much more aware of keeping myself visible on the road. ”

KATHY BESWICK, Cyclist from Christchurch